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Welcome to the Blackcard Bandits


Educating and Supporting everyone from regular everyday people, Business Owners and Investors to Consciously Achieve Financial Freedom So They Can Live with Greater Personal liberty.


To inspire, educate, and empower business owners and investors on a conscious path to financial freedom – not so they can have more of what money can buy, but so they can have more of what money will never buy. We do this by teaching them how to:

  • Balance all three paths to financial freedom (business, real estate, paper assets) into a wealth plan that best utilizes their personal skills, abilities, and interests while also leading a balanced and fulfilling life.

  • Integrate the essential principles of wealth building such as leverage, risk management, residual income, adding value, tax strategy, competitive advantage and much more into a personalized wealth plan.

  • Transform themselves to overcome the personal obstacles that hold them back from the success they are capable of achieving and deserve to achieve.


Educating about personal finance and investing to help our customers become financially free is our business mission – it's how we get paid.

Contribution is our cause … our reason for existence.

Education is our vehicle … the tool we use to help others.

Community is our collective source of strength and wisdom.

Thank you for being part of our community and supporting our mission.



John Nuñez


Blackcard Bandits Inc.

P.O. BOX 940114, MIAMI, FL 33194

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